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PrintFlex Graphics specializes in turning challenges into victories. Learn more about how we’ve worked with clients through the years to overcome hurdles and develop creative on-pack and in-pack solutions to get and keep their customers attention. 

Printed Label Leave Behinds Maximize Marketing Opportunities

Brand managers and product marketers treat their product packaging as if it’s the most valuable real estate in the world, and for good reason. Product ...
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Increase Sales Through Cross-Promotions with These Simple Rules

Every person today is being sold to, in one way or another, pretty much all the time. Whether on their phones, browsing the internet at ...
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Recalibrating for Recovery: Best Practices for Credit Card Manufacturing and Promotion

Credit and debit cards are more prevalent today than ever. That prevalence has led to evolutionary changes in how frequently consumers use them. The COVID-19 ...
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Sustaining Sales and Building Brand Loyalty in 2021

Leverage Package Based Promotions to Maximize Product Strategies As the world works toward rolling out vaccinations and the economy re-opens, the National Retail Federation forecasts between ...
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Working with Outsourced Printing Partners

It happens all the time in printing and promotions: You have a client who gets all excited about a new project. But there is some ...
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On-Pack Promotions in a Post-2020 World: Is There a Silver Bullet for Success?

The pandemic has changed everything: the way we learn, the way we work, the way we shop…and the way the supply chain functions (or in ...
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How Can We Help You?

The PrintFlex Graphics team specializes in helping our customers overcome a variety of on-pack and in-pack communications challenges, and we can help you too.